Я любитель сладких ароматов и даже не знаю почему выбрала этот аромат . Наверное повелась на рекламу. Мне кажется он не совсем женственный. Слишком яркий, шлейфовый, для холодной снежной зимы . Давала этому аромат несколько шансов, но не моё. Теперь его так много слышу во круге, что он стал как Kirke . На данный момент я бы больше его не приобрела. Что бы вы мне могли посоветовать с нотками пачули?
This perfume is so fruity- floral, so sensual and nice. It will definitely become one of my favorite. The delivery was quick, everything was nicely packed. Will definitely buy more from this store
Ganymede is beyond gender, beyond fashion, beyond standards.
This fragrance is for those who love unconventional combinations and are not afraid to leave an impression. It doesn’t fit into standard categories. It is both minimalist and complex, cool and warm, mysterious and refined.
It opens with fresh notes of mandarin and saffron, adding brightness without the usual citrus lightness. Then, the leather unfolds—not rough or smoky, but soft, elegant, almost suede-like. A key role is played by mineral accords, creating the effect of "clean air after the rain."
The sillage is unique—clean, slightly salty, like a sea breeze embracing the skin. I will definitely return to this fragrance more than once.
Fast delivery, adorable packaging. I will definitely buy another one again.